

Natural Results

Rhinoplasty Scottsdale Specialist- Pamela Henderson MD

Rhinoplasty Most Popular Cosmetic Surgery Under 30

Long considered the quintessential cosmetic surgery procedure, rhinoplasty is currently the most popular cosmetic surgery for men and women under the age of 30. Although other surgeries, such as breast augmentation and liposuction, are more popular with the overall population across all age ranges, the fact that nose surgery is the most commonly performed procedure says much about young adults and the procedure itself. One of the things that distinguishes the rhinoplasty procedure is that it focuses on the shape and function of a body part, unlike most other procedures that focus on volume (either adding or removing.)

As reported by the American Society of Plastic Surgery, there may be several driving forces that are pushing young adults to have more Rhinoplasties. These reasons break down into two broader categories: aesthetic preference and clinical benefit. The beauty of this procedure is that in many cases, patients may expect to receive benefits from both categories, improving their respiratory function while enhancing their appearance in one fell swoop.

Aesthetic Improvements With Rhinoplasty

The long-lasting benefits of rhinoplasty are a chief concern for younger patients hoping for aesthetic improvements. By getting their rhinoplasty performed before the age of 30, these patients are able to enjoy the benefits of the procedure for the bulk of their lifetime. Generally, it is considered wise to wait until the nose has completely finished growing, and the face has assumed its final configuration. This can help prevent shifting and changes in appearance in the years following the procedure. While this exact age is different for each patients, most faces stop growing between the ages of 18 and 25.

Another reason that the nose holds such aesthetic control over the look of the face is that its central location is crucial to maintaining proper facial balance. Often a nose will be too small or large for the other features of the face, giving an appearance that looks disproportional. In other cases, patients may come in believing that their chin or ears are too large or small, but after careful evaluation of their facial structure, a change to the nose may be the best possible solution.

Clinical Uses for Rhinoplasty

The main clinical benefit of a rhinoplasty procedure is the correction of a structural problem, such as a deviated septum, which can cause decreased respiratory ability. This can often be a problem for younger adults who wish to lead active lifestyles or perform at high athletic levels. After the repair of a deviated septum, patients often find that they can breathe more easily, and stay active longer due to better respiratory activity. In some cases, patients may be shocked at the quality of their new breathing, having no idea that their condition was affecting them so profoundly.

Sleeping is another crucial issue for those with nasal structural problems. Obstructions to proper airflow may lead to a number of night problems, from snoring to sleep apnea. Loud snoring can have a negative impact on the sleep habits of family members, or can be a potential drawback for romantic relationships. The more serious sleep problem, sleep apnea, has been shown to contribute to a wide range of other medical conditions. It can worsen the severity of these conditions and limit the effectiveness of treatment.

Questions? Schedule Your Consultation Today!

If you have questions about the various options for nose surgery and your specific situation, or want to know more about our other non-surgical or cosmetic surgery procedures, please contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Pamela Henderson. We will be happy to help you reach your facial goals.

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