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Pamela S. Henderson M.D. > Procedures > Ears & Nose > Rhinoplasty Scottsdale > Am I a Candidate for Rhinoplasty in Scottsdale/Phoenix?

Rhinoplasty in Scottsdale PhoenixAs the quintessential cosmetic procedure, rhinoplasty has long held immense value for men and women looking to improve the overall balance of their face. Capable of subtle yet powerful overall changes, the rhinoplasty, or nose job, can completely transform your looking, bringing the various portions of your face into balance and harmony.

Patients elect to undergo rhinoplasty at a wide range of ages, though a general rule of thumb is to wait until your face has completely completed its development. This is essential to a lasting long-term outcome, as any changes made before development is completed could be altered by the natural growth of the face, requiring additional adjustment. For some patients, a rhinoplasty is a straightforward decision in young adulthood, and for others it represents something they have been contemplating their entire lives.

Why do Patients in Scottsdale/Phoenix Choose Rhinoplasty?

The most common reason to choose rhinoplasty in the Scottsdale/Phoenix area is to address issues of facial imbalance. Patients often seek out Dr. Henderson with direct concerns about the size or shape of their nose relative to their other facial features. As a result of the nose’s central location and prominent bearing on the facial appearance, even small changes to its size and shape can have a tremendous impact on the overall look of the face. This impact has helped to give rhinoplasty its appeal and lasting popularity.

In other rhinoplasty cases, patients may seek a consultation with Dr. Henderson for another facial concern, such as the size and position of the chin, ears or other facial features, only to learn that small adjustments to their nose will have a far greater impact. Other common nasal concerns include bumps or depressions in the bridge of the nose, nostril size, issues with the nasal tip, nasal asymmetry, and profile concerns.

What are the Qualifications of a Good Rhinoplasty Candidate?

Qualifications for ideal rhinoplasty candidates in Scottsdale/Phoenix vary, as each procedure is unique. In general, it is crucial that patients be physically and mentally healthy in order to ensure the best outcomes from the procedure. Patients should not smoke in the months leading up to the procedure, as this can have a negative impact on healing and worsen the final outcome. Even some nutritional supplements may have a negative impact on bleeding and healing. Each patient’s complete medical history should be discussed with Dr. Henderson prior to the procedure to prevent any unforeseen issues.  

In addition to the numerous cosmetic reasons patients may wish for a rhinoplasty, there are a few medical indications for nasal surgery as well. A deviated septum is a common reason for nasal surgery, with patients reporting improved breathing and smoother airflow following their procedure. A medically indicated surgery such as this does not necessarily have any cosmetic impact, though in some cases these surgeries can be combined into one procedure.

For more information about having a rhinoplasty in Scottsdale/Phoenix, or to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Henderson, please visit the contact page.


Image by eleannab on Flickr.