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Pamela S. Henderson M.D. > Procedures > Eyes And Brows > Eyelid Surgery Scottsdale > Eyelid Surgery Cost in Scottsdale/Phoenix?

Eyelid Surgery Cost in Scottsdale/Phoenix?

Eyebrow Lift Cost Scottsdale PhoenixEyelid surgeries, or blepharoplasty, may vary substantially in cost due to the wide variation in surgical options. Choosing between an upper eyelid lift, lower eyelid lift or both sets together will greatly impact the final cost. In addition, some patients may be eligible for insurance coverage of their upper eyelid lifts, which could contribute to significant savings.

As in all things medical, it is absolutely essential that patients choose their cosmetic surgeons based on experience and reliability. While cost is an important factor, it must be taken into account in relation to quality, as an affordable but low-quality procedure may turn out to be dangerous in the long run.

Things to Keep in Mind When Pricing an Eyelid Lift in Scottsdale/Phoenix

Uniquely, the eyelid lift is one of the few cosmetic procedures that may be covered by some insurers. For some patients, the excess skin of the upper eyelid may hang down over the eye, obscuring vision. In these cases, if the situation meets the requirements for medically-indicated intervention, then some patients may be able to have an upper eyelid lift covered by their insurance. Prior to the actual procedure, however, it is crucial that patients are given a medical evaluation to determine if they qualify for this option, and must contact their insurers to determine their coverage. For some situations, only a percentage of the whole cost may be covered.

Having a brow lift in Scottsdale/Phoenix takes into account a number of factors in addition to the surgeon’s fee, including the cost of the surgical facility, use of anesthesia, medical testing and prescriptions during the recovery period. These costs may fluctuate with the length of the actual procedure, as longer surgical times increase the various costs associated with surgery.

Choosing an Experienced Plastic Surgeon in Scottsdale/Phoenix

Choosing your physician is the most important aspect of planning for your procedure, and as such has a significant impact on the final cost of your eyelid lift. Prospective patients who are considering a particular procedure or working with a doctor with whom they are not familiar often benefit by speaking with others who have had the same surgery. Dr. Henderson has had several such patients who are eager to share their experiences with others, and have agreed to do so on the Testimonies page.

Unlike many providers who offer a wide range of cosmetic services, Dr. Henderson has focused solely on procedures of the head and neck, allowing her to offer patients extensive experience in these areas. To hold herself to the strictest possible standard,  Dr. Henderson was certified by both the American Board of Otolaryngology and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery. This double board certification ensures that new patients in the Scottsdale/Phoenix area can be assured of the highest quality in their cosmetic care.

For more information about getting an eyebrow lift in Scottsdale/Phoenix, or to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Henderson, please visit the contact page.

Photo by rifqi dahlgren on Flickr.