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Pamela S. Henderson M.D. > Procedures > Non-Surgical Procedures > Microneedling | improve skin tone and texture | microneedling Scottsdale

Microneedling | improve skin tone and texture | microneedling Scottsdale

Microneedling – improve skin tone and texture

Microneedling Scottsdale

Microneedling is a facial rejuvenation technique with minimal to no downtime. This is a great option for those who want to stimulate their skin’s own natural healing response to improve the skin’s tone and texture.

What is microneedling?

Microneedling is a procedure in which a tiny needles puncture the skin using an automated pen-like device (unlike dermarolling, in which the needles are manually rolled over the skin). Each needle is smaller in diameter than a human hair. As these enter the skin, they create tiny punctures, which stimulate the skin’s natural healing response.

What conditions can be treated with microneedling?

Microneedling stimulates the production of collagen in the skin, causing the skin to tighten and to appear refreshed and rejuvenated. It may be helpful for those with visible signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. Patients with enlarged pores also often report a benefit from microneedling. Scars, especially old acne scars, can often be reduced in their size and depth through this treatment. Roughened, dull, or uneven skin texture can also be improved.

Is the treatment painful?

Although the term “needle” in the name makes some patients nervous, rest assured that the treatment is not particularly painful. Keep in mind that the needles are very tiny. However, to ensure patient comfort, a numbing cream is applied to the area to be treated. After the numbing cream takes effect, you won’t feel much besides a bit of pressure during the treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments that are recommended varies depending on the condition you’re trying to treat. Patients may notice some improvement after only one session, but for most types of skin problems, we recommend at least three sessions. Treatments should be spaced about one month apart, to give the skin time to heal between sessions. When deeper penetration settings are used, then it may be beneficial to space the treatments farther apart.

Is there any downtime?

There is generally no significant downtime associated with microneedling. The evening after your treatment, you may notice some mild pinprick bleeding or crusting, depending on the depth of your treatment. This should be gone by the following morning. Your skin may appear pink the day after the treatment, as though you had a mild sunburn. You may not want to schedule your treatment the day before a very important event, but you should be able to resume your normal activities the day after your treatment. The pink skin tone usually clears up within 24 hours, but may last for a few days when longer needles are used.

What are the risks of microneedling?

Microneedling is a very safe procedure with few risks. There is a small risk of bleeding or infection at the points where the needles were inserted, but this is minimal with a trained practitioner who uses proper sterile technique.

When will results be visible?

It takes time for the body to activate the healing response and produce new collagen. For this reason, the results of microneedling are not visible immediately. Although some results may be visible beginning about a week after the treatment, it takes three to six months to see the final results. Some patients see continued improvement beyond six months.

Can this treatment be combined with other treatments?

Although microneedling is a popular and effective treatment on its own, there is also the option to combine this treatment with other modalities to achieve the best results. A treatment called Intracel combines microneedling with radiofrequency energy. Microneedling can also be combined with PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections to speed and enhance the body’s healing response.

Is microneedling right for me? Learn more about microneedling Scottsdale

If you’re interested in facial rejuvenation, please contact our office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Henderson. She’ll examine you and learn more about your medical history and your goals for your appearance, and then she’ll tell you more about your treatment options and make recommendations about which ones would be most likely to lead to the results you desire. To schedule your appointment, simply contact our office. We look forward to meeting you.