

Natural Results

What is a “lip flip”?

Lip flip Scottsdale

Many people are looking to have fuller lips. Some just genetically have thinner lips, while others have found their lips losing volume as they age. It’s difficult to use makeup to disguise thin lips, and Dr. Henderson often sees people looking for a better solution to add volume to the lips.

Surgical lip augmentation or injections of fillers are both popular options. There’s also another option that’s recently been getting attention – the “lip flip.” This actually isn’t a new procedure; it’s just getting talked about more in recent months. So what is a lip flip? How can you know whether this is the right procedure for you?

Lip flips involve injecting botox

For a lip flip, botox is injected just above the upper lip. This helps to relax certain muscles that pull the lip tissue upward. In general, the injections are performed above the cupid’s bow (the little dip in the center of the lip) as well as around the corners of the mouth. 

When these muscles are relaxed, they don’t pull on the lip tissue as much. This causes the top part of the upper lip to flip upward and outward a bit. As a result, it will tend to appear fuller. The lip flip doesn’t actually add volume to the lip; instead, it makes better use of the volume that you already have. 

Lip flip vs fillers

A lip flip is like getting lip fillers in one sense – they both involve injectable medications. However, lip flips and fillers are actually very different. With fillers, the medication is injected directly into the lips. The intent is to add volume to the lip itself.

Lip flips tend to look more natural than fillers because nothing extra has actually been added to the lip. The lip flip can be a great option for those who want a little extra boost for their lips but want it to look and feel as natural as possible. The lip flip won’t do anything to change the appearance of the lower lip; it will only address the upper lip.

Lip flips are also great for people who find that their upper lip “disappears” when they smile or laugh. When certain muscles around the mouth pull too hard, then it may flatten the upper lip out or even pull it inward when smiling or laughing. A lip flip can help to prevent this from happening, which can make some people feel more confident in their smiles.

However, because a lip flip doesn’t actually add any volume, it won’t be as helpful for those with a more severe loss of fullness in the lips. If your lips are very thin, whether due to genetics or aging, then a lip flip may not be enough to get the results that you’re looking for. Fillers or surgical lip augmentation may be better options.

Lip flip ScottsdaleDr. Pamela S Henderson

If you feel that your lips aren’t as full as you’d like, then we invite you to come for a consultation with Dr. Henderson. As a specialist facial plastic surgeon, she’s well-trained in all of the procedures that can be used to enhance the lips. She’ll be happy to examine you and let you know what results you could likely expect from each of your lip enhancement options. This will help you choose which one is best for you. Please contact our office to book your appointment.

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